September 17, 2024

See What Notes and Chords You are Playing in Pro Tools – MIDI Input Display

See What Notes and Chords You are Playing in Pro Tools – MIDI Input Display

How to use the MIDI Input Display to see the notes and chords you are playing in Pro Tools.

The MIDI Input Display will show you the current chord you are playing on the Toolbar in the Edit Window. You must enable this option to see the input. This display is useful for learning, taking notes of the chords you have played, and ensuring you are playing the correct chords.

The MIDI Editor in Pro Tools also has a MIDI Input Display and that display will show you single notes, multiple notes, and chords.

So, if you need or want to see each note name, use the MIDI Editor, otherwise, the MIDI Input Display in the Edit Window will suffice to show you the chords you are playing.

There are two MIDI Input displays in Pro Tools
midi input display edit window pro tools
pro tools midi input display edit window
midi input display midi editor
midi input display pro tools both

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