January 22, 2025

BFD Sphere Review

BFD SPHERE is a new heavy rock and metal drum expansion for BFD3, BFD2, and BFD Eco. It sounds INCREDIBLE!

In this video we listen to each drum in isolation and then hear the included presets.

There isn’t a ton of content in BFD SPHERE, but what you get sounds amazing.

SPHERE, like BFD OBLIVION, includes raw and processed drum sounds, so you have unlimited options. You can drop the processed sounds in and have a mix ready drum sound in no time, or use the raw samples and edit to your liking. Of course you can also add your own processing to the processed drum samples as well.

The Kicks, Snare and Toms in this pack are processed just right for crushing metal.

The kicks hit you hard, yet leave room for other things in a mix, such as low tuned guitars and bass. The snare is just Fu(k*ng PERFECT!

The snare alone is worth the price for this pack. You can get a crazy CRACK! out of this snare that sounds so good in a dense metal mix. Really! Get this pack and spend some time with this snare, it can be molded in several directions using the included effects in BFD3.

The toms….toms are tough for metal, especially faster styles of metal. You want some boom, but not too much, you want attack, but not something that is harsh…. These toms were recorded right for metal, and the processed toms are perfect to drop in to almost any style of metal with minimal tweaking. Plus, you are getting 8 different toms, 2 sets of 4 instead of the usual 3 toms per kit. I really can’t say enough about BFD Sphere, it just sounds so damn good.

BFD Sphere does not contain any cymbals or hi-hats, just drums.

BFD Sphere was made for metal, but as you can tell in the video, you can get other sounds from these drums as well.

If you have not checked out BFD OBLIVION, be sure to watch that video as well.

BFD SPHERE was produced by Acle Kahney and recorded with Francesco Cameli at London’s Sphere Studios.

You get a beautiful Ludwig Black Beauty Snare,
4 DW Toms, 4 VIBE Toms, 1 DW Kick and 1 VIBE Kick. Each provided in raw and processed versions.

You can check out more samples of BFD SHPERE here

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