September 7, 2024

Plugin Alliance DIEZEL VH4 vs. ENGL E646 VS

Plugin Alliance Diezel VH4 vs. ENGL E646 VS

Mega Metal Amp BATTLE! The Diezel VH4 vs. the ENGL E646 VS – both from Brainworx and Plugin Alliance.

These are two of my favorite guitar amp plugins. Both of them are super realistic, versatile, and easy to use and dial in a great tone quick.

Each of these guitar amp plugins come with their own Recording Chains (different impulse responses), so for this battle I’ll use 3rd party impulse responses from Redwirez. You will hear each amp run through the SAME exact impulse responses.

At the end there will be a quick test using the included (default) impulse response for both amps.

Let’s start this battle of the METAL MONSTERS!

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